Quarantine Watch #637: Samson & Delilah (1949)

My parents love the biblical epics from the 40s-60s becuase they grew up watching them on TV ad nauseam. My dad wanted to revisit this one and show it to me. I do not understand the appeal of Hedy Lamarr, I don’t think she is that attractive. Especially not enough for Samson to be so won over by her. It is insane that he would be drawn to her at any time since she is the person who caused the deaths of her sister (his love) and her own father. She is a horrible human being and an overall dick. The almost Herculean myth of Samson is interesting and fun, especially when he breaks out of chains and fights off everyone. My biggest issue with the story, and this is just something that comes part in parcel with bible tales is that it is so misogynistic. Every woman is a horrible liar and cheater and will cause men to go blind and die. I’m not religious nor do I know most of the bible stories. For instance I never knew what this was about. I can’t see why this it’s a bible story and what moral it is trying to impart. I looked it up and apparently it can be interpreted as don’t marry outside of your own religion, which seems like a terrible ideal to impart. There are also a lot of parts where the film falls into lulls, especially towards the end. Samson is weakened and captured but the film still has 30 minutes left to go, which felt entirely too long.
