It is so easy to see how this is a play and that the openings and closings of the films were added on (I’m assuming since it seems so natural to have it all take place in the motel room) for the sake of making it cinematic. Regina King did a fantastic job on her first feature directing effort, however she is outshined by both the great script by Kemp Powers and the performances of the main cast. Leslie Odom Jr., far and away, shines the brightest as Sam Cooke. His personality, musical talent, and vigor makes him stand taller than someone with the greatest vigor of all — Malcolm X. Having them focus on such a fulcrum point for all four men is so smart, although I feel like Jim Brown gets shafted storywise since the film mostly feels like Sam and Malcolm presenting their ways of life for Cassius Clay to live. The film has so many twists and turns, dips and dives, and 180s for all of the characters that it is really something special to be sure.