Quarantine Watch #639: Putney Swope (1969)

I remember seeing a trailer for this at the Cinefamily in Los Angeles this back in 2014 showing the movie and that Louis C.K. was hosting a talk about it. That was way back when both Louis C.K. and the Cinefamily we’re fun things to be associated with. I didn’t go to the event, but that trailer never escaped my memory. Was it because I hadn’t seen a Robert Downey Sr. film and it’s so interesting to think about him especially since growing up with Robert Downey Jr. all over the place. Maybe it was the unique name. Maybe its the premise of the film. All of that made it a film I knew I wanted to see. I’m sorry it took me so long to get to it, because it is brilliant. There are some moments where the film falls into a more free spirited 1960’s mode and away from the sharp satire of the rest of the film. It’s so well crafted and funny that some lines are funny enough to go toe to toe with AIRPLANE! one-liners. It’s one of the best satire’s I have ever seen. I can’t believe Downey Sr. does the voice for Putney Swope. I both love and hate that he does it simultaneously. I wish I could have seen people’s reactions back when it came out. You can also see a lot of what would eventually inspire (at least in my opinion) a lot of future films like YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, NETWORK, THE HUDSUCKER PROXY, HOLLYWOOD SHUFFLE, and SORRY TO BOTHER YOU
