Quarantine Watch #294: Vera Drake (2004)

Imelda Staunton is amazing in this. Of course, the way the film is written and directed it is positioned to make her a real superstar. Her chipper attitude is the perfect character trait for her. She should have been won the Academy Award that year. The other star of the film is Mike Leigh’s directing. It feels like a stage play in all of the best ways, specifically the interrogation and trial scenes. The themes are also so strong and the story is the perfect way to subtlety show differences in class by what the rich can do and get away with vs the poor. The entire supporting cast is a fantastic group of British Actors. Ruth Sheen reminded me of Allison Janney and I really dug everything she did. Sally Hawkins is great as always. I also always like Eddie Marsan. I also liked the very quick Chris O’Dowd appearance in one of his earlier roles pre-THE I.T. CROWD.
