Quarantine Watch #254: Alphaville (1965)

What a special love letter to the noir and sci-fi films of the past, that it balances both so equally that it seems almost impossible to do so. Even films like BLADE RUNNER skew more in one direction — not this. The lighting is some of the best I’ve ever seen and the cinematography really compliments it. I loved the shots of Karina — again he eyes are just majestic especially the way Godard shoots her. I also love how Godard uses Neon lights (as he did in past films like PIERROT LE FOU and A WOMAN IS A WOMAN). Here he takes his neon photography to another level. Paul Misraki’s score reminds me so much of THE TWILIGHT ZONE, but this could also be because the story is reminiscent of a Serling story, especially when it is coupled with the black and white photography. A lot about the film is very obvious from the clear Orwellian and Bradbury references to the specifics of the world of Alphaville. There is rarely subtext since it is all text, which is an oddity in Godard films. The voice of Alpha 60 is also SO creepy. It makes you feel sick whenever you hear it. It reminds me of how The Daleks in DOCTOR WHO speak. The whole, “Time is like a circle” bit also reminds me so much of TRUE DETECTIVE’S flat circle themes.
