Quarantine Watch #230: Contempt (1963)

I didn’t think much of this film as I was watching, but since I turned it off it has really stuck with me. I just feel different. This is a real departure from the Godard filmmaking style I’ve come to know having only seen BREATHLESS and BAND OF OUTSIDERS. While those films add life and energy with their editing, this one moves the scenes with the long shots and dolly moves. Even when the camera is still the compositions are interesting and beautiful. The music is so pretty too. However the most beautiful part of the film, aside from the locations, music, and camera is Brigitte Bardot. God she is gorgeous. This is my first exposure to her. When I mentioned her to my parents they went, “Oh god, of course!” It was as if I never heard of Marilyn Monroe. I loved Fritz Lang playing himself and I love the connection between Odysseus & Penelope of the Odyssey to Paul & Camille’s relationship.
