Quarantine Watch #173: The Assistant (2020)

This is not what I expected it to be. When I heard what it was about (loosely based on the Harvey Weinstein office culture) I thought it was going to be handled similar to something like MARGIN CALL — the film would be simple, but with lots of moving parts. Instead this is a mediation on the culture that is so pervasive, not only in the film industry, but with office bureaucracy in general. It hurts so much at the end of the Matthew MacFadyen scene, where he tells her not to file the report as there isn’t clear evidence and it will only hurt her, but the real killing blow is his last line, “Don’t worry, you’re not his type.” Ooof. Julia Garner does such a great job. At the end of the day it plays with life similar to things such as STRANGER THAN PARADISE or ELEPHANT. It’s just this person’s day and that’s it. I wish there was a little more here, but with Julia Garner carrying the film it gets away with it’s minimalism.
