There is something seriously timeless and enchanting about most of Charlie Chaplin’s films. THE GREAT DICTATOR stands as one of my favorite films. I wanted to explore more of his work. This is as smart as it is silly. He saying so much not only about the time he filmed it but also as America on the whole in regards to it’s need for industrialisation and capitalism. I also think Charlie Chaplin is the first person to do bullet time (Without slowing the film down) when he accidentally does so much cocaine that he is able to dodge bullets in prison. Paulette Goddard is GORGEOUS in this. She leaps off the screen and from the second I see her I am enthralled by not only her beauty but her spunk. She is FANTASTIC in this. It’s a crime she wasn’t nominated for an Oscar — or that this film wasn’t nominated for any Oscars. The skating scenes are also just lovely. Other standouts is the score, the production design, and the spare amount of not only sound but title cards. I was honestly shocked by the people speaking since I expected it to be completely silent.