Quarantine Watch #107: Alice in Wonderland (1951)

I put out a poll over which Disney film I hadn’t seen before should I watch. The majority of people said either ALICE IN WONDERLAND or SWORD IN THE STONE. I decided to get stoned and try Alice. I was actually very unimpressed on multiple levels. I thought it was going to be more trippy/colorful than it ended up being. That’s possibly due to the fact that its been hyped for years regarding it’s psychedelic aspects. Regardless I did not care for Alice. She is a spoiled brat with no common sense. The Walrus and the Carpenter moment felt like such old-school animated film where we just do something completely different from everything else. It broke up the pacing and added nothing to my experience. I end up being on everyone else’s side because Alice is super rude. I may be biased because I generally don’t like the story of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland." I had to read it in high school and it was never a story that grabbed me like it did other people. This is one of those stories that are famously co-oped into part of people’s identities where they have a sort of biblical connection to the text. That being said I liked all the Cheshire Cat stuff.
