Wow, this was great. It’s so ahead of its time in both writing and the cinematography. This is as good as other court-martial films like A FEW GOOD MEN, however while there is logic in A FEW GOOD MEN, this is just absurd that it enrages me. It’s easy to see parallels to this and CATCH-22 regarding the illogical chain of command in the military as well as war itself. Mireau is one of the most despicable villains I’ve seen in a movie (I JUST WANT TO PUNCH HIM!) while Dax is one of the greatest heroes. It is a comedy of errors, a tragedy, a rally cry, and a protest at the same time. Cowardice is totally on display and ironically the men accused of cowardice are the bravest. This is also the time I think Michael Douglass and Kirk Douglass look the most similar.