I’ve wanted to see this for some time now, but it never was available of streamers and I didn’t want to pay for it. Now that my roommate has Shudder, I’m taking advantage of it. There’s a lot of STRANGER THINGS, THE GOONIES, REAR WINDOW (and it’s ripoff DISTURBIA), and THE GIRL NEXT DOOR in this horror film. The pacing in the beginning wasn’t the best, but by the second half, it really gets into its groove. There are a lot of scenes with so much edge-of-your-seat tension specifically the one where Mackey comes by the house and uses the phone. This movie is also a 4 act movie — after it’s over it adds a whole other element that twists the story. Rich Somer is so good in this. He has such a babyface that he's often typecast as the jilted man in a relationship (RUN, LOVE, GLOW). To see him in this really show’s his range.