Quarantine Watch #66: Klute (1971)

I wanted to make sure I caught this before it went off of Criterion Channel. It’s weird for me watching this because I was introduced to Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland when they were old people. Going back and watching them younger always is odd to me, I don’t know why. This is for sure the youngest I’ve seen Jane Fonda in a film and man is she great. She really carries everything in this movie, although the true star is the way Alan J. Pakula directs the look of his films. You can see him playing with styles that would eventually make ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN, THE PARALLAX VIEW, and THE PELICAN BRIEF stand out. Everything here is very ‘70s which I love. Roy Schneider’s wardrobe is nuts. There is one scene where he is dressed like Tony Montana. I seriously think Brian de Palma was making a nod to this film in Al Pacino’s wardrobe.
