Quarantine Watch #335: F for Fake (1975)

This is so ahead of it’s time. Meta doesn’t even begin to describe it. The world of art forgery has always fascinated me and idea of what makes something fake vs real is amazing thing to explore. Can something be real if you don’t know it is fake? Does this mean authenticity doesn’t matter? What does it actually mean to be authentic and for that matter, what does it mean to be fake? All of this is probed and you see more of these questions being explored later in other documentaries such as CLOSE-UP and BELTRACCHI: THE ART OF FORGERY. The magic shown in the beginning is the perfect comparison to other falsehoods not only with art forgery, but the process of filmmaking as well. It may be one of the best edited documentaries ever, even though this is not your typical documentary. It plays around with your expectations on what a documentary or a film essay can be. Welles’ narration is pitch perfect, he really has an amazingly unique look and voice that just fits the film. The ending is also an interesting transition between fact and fiction, truth and lies, and documentary and fabrication. This whole film really is a special experience.
